Bastard - Male Half-Orc, Half-Dwarf
Forte - Android Posing as a Half-Orc
Punich - Male Elf
Continuing where they left off, Bastard and Forte contacted Guido and informed him of their failure. he instructed them to lay low for a while and that another opportunity may arise sooner than they expected. A few days later they were contacted again by Guido to inform them that there were rumors that the seller was on the move again. This time the heroes decided to hire a Coati GMO hireling with hacking skills to try and locate the seller, which he did after a day or so of searching but not without putting the seller on high alert. Unfortunately the hacker wasn't that good and his hacking triggered a security system that alerted the seller he was being tracked, that forced him to move to the Underground to try and smuggle himself out of the city with the disk.
Mundi (the Coati GMO) informed the heroes that the Underground was literally a place underground where all the sewer lines converged and it is one of the most common places to smuggle things in and out of the dome without drawing too much attention. There were 23 exits through the sewers and the heroes needed to find a way to narrow down the seller's options. Mundi suggested that if their employer was powerful, the seller would do his best to avoid the exists the employer controls and with this information the heroes decided to contact Guido and try their luck.
Unfortunately the heroes did not get the help they wanted but at least at the last minute an elf mercenary called Punich showed up on behalf of Guido to help them out.
In the end they had to guess from which exit would the seller come out from and prepare an ambush there. This time they got lucky. The seller came out of the sewer on a speeding boat captained by an akradi smuggler and two robots.
Punich had positioned himself inside a building and from there he took a shot at the boat which damaged it enough to slow it down. Bastard used his newly acquired jetpack to try and land on the boat but was met with resistance midair by one of the robots. The second robot started to fly towards Punich but he took it out with a single shot. Forte tried to make a long jump to also land on top of the boat but ended up landing in the water instead.
The akradi smuggler took a few shots against Forte but did not damage him enough to defeat him, all Forte had to do was get on top of the boat and it was game over for the smuggler. Punich managed to kill the robot bothering Bastard, immediately after, Bastard rushed the seller, dodge of a few of his bullets and with his katana he took both of the seller's arm. Forted used his medical kit to keep the seller alive and now it was time to deliver him to Guido.
This has been the 4th week I run the game without writing a section for the GM and just going with thoughts I previously had on how monsters and encounters should work. I should put it all down in paper before I forget.
Almost at the end of the session a friend of Tibaldo showed up and he was curious about the game and wanted to give it a try. I told Tibaldo to try and make a character for him un 15 minutes or less based on how his friend described his character. Surprisingly enough Tibaldo understood what his friend wanted to play and built the character accordingly in 10 minutes. He stated that now that he knows how the system works it was super easy to make characters. His friend liked the game although he only played for a bit but he mentioned it was easy to remember what talent did what and how the game worked in general. It was a short but pleasing session.